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Your Shortcut to Success and Living the Life You Want

By Esther | July 24th 2020 | Life and Purpose | Entrepreneurship and Leadership

In the search for success, most people often find themselves facing challenges and even failures in more ways than they care to admit. The path to achieving goals and attaining success is often riddled with obstacles that test a person’s faith and their commitment to seeing it through.

What most people fail to realize is that we can’t do it alone and we aren’t meant to.

Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.”

This is pretty sage advice.

Getting outside guidance in your life is important as you can only take yourself so far. And then you get stuck. But being stuck, it seems, is part of God’s plan.

When you get stuck, you try to ask help from people who, you know, understand more about your situation and get you unstuck. In this manner, God wants you to look outside your own small reality for something much bigger, where you can find the person you’re meant to become.

So, find someone who has been where you are. It may be a coach or a counselor who has been knocked over, knocked back and knocked down, but has found the strength to get back up every time AND has also developed the wits to dodge the next wave heading their way, so they could reach the goal they wanted to achieve.

That’s the kind of person you want to have to help you get to the next level in your life, so you don’t have to take all those knocks too.

So, how do you find the right coach for you? Here are tips to learning which coach fits you best:

Get clear on what you need.

Look for a coach for your specific needs. It may be a personal development coach, a spiritual coach, a business coach, whatever you need at the moment. It is important that you get one with the expertise you require and not just a “general” coach. Coaches with a specific area of expertise can help you grow in the area you want to improve on. It is therefore vital for you to understand your own needs so you can choose the right person that can help you. It’s only when you take the time to figure out what you want in your life, and where you need help to reach a new level, that you can start to find the right coach for you.

Do your due diligence.

Now that you know what areas you need help with and what kind of coach you require, it is time to take your research on several coaches before you make your choice. Check out their website, and social platforms, and look at reviews about them if it’s possible. Based on the content they put out to the world, do they fully align with what you want in your life and what you value? This will help you create your shortlist. You will be able to choose the right coach for you if you get to know the ones that are available to help you and understand how they can be a good fit for your needs or what value they can give for your goals.

Pick the one(s) that speaks to your heart.

This is where it’s important to trust your intuition and greater inner knowing. Sometimes a person can look perfect on paper but there’s something that doesn’t feel quite right to you. Trust that. That’s God speaking to you. Also trust that if none of the ones on your shortlist feels quite right, He will send the perfect one your way. You just need to have patience and believe in the process. Do not rush into getting to your success if you feel something is amiss. Remember, you will not be able to work on your goals and steer yourself towards success when you put yourself in the hands of someone you don’t trust or can’t be on the same page as you.

Achieving your goals and ambitions and finding the success that has been eluding you can be possible. As you get on the journey, you may get stuck or confront obstacles one after the other. You may rage about it, cry about it, or pray about it, but you won’t get anywhere until you find help for the things that you can’t do on your own.

If you want the life you desire to be a reality, do not be afraid to get help achieving it.

Need a coach? Visit my website,, for more information on my programs and courses.

Register to my FREE mini-course, You Were Created for More. This will set you on the path to understanding the what and the why of your life, so you can plan for your success.


I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



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