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You Were Created Worthy and Unstoppable

By Esther | December 2nd 2020 | Life and Purpose, Self-Care Series, Women Empowerment

What makes YOU worthy?

A lot of times we see the truth differently from what others see, and even more different from the truth that God sees in us.

We often feel like we are not worth any of the good things that happen in our lives and that the bad things that happen are a form of punishment. But that is far from the truth.

The same God that created mountains and oceans and galaxies is the same one who thought the world needed YOU and created you.

So, if God created YOU, you must have a very important purpose here on earth to do.

The question then becomes, are you really walking in your purpose?

You have to first believe that you are worth the time you give yourself. From that belief comes the confidence that will get you to taking action and doing the things that lift you up and build up your self-worth.

Our minds, bodies, and souls get rejuvenated and refreshed when we take the time to focus on ourselves and make sure that we are doing things that fill us up.

When you choose you, you choose to believe that you are worthy.

You believe that what you have to offer has value to the people around you, and you want to walk fully in your purpose.

If you don’t believe that you are worth it, no one else will either. And you cannot fully live in your purpose if you don't have that kind of self-faith.

Remember that the only person who gets to decide your worth is YOU. No one else. Your worth is not decided by the things you have, the size of your bank account, the house you live in, the number of friends that you have, nor even the clothes that you wear.

It all comes from you, from being yourself, being proud of who you are. Even as you age with time, who you are deep inside will never change. You will always be strong, wonderful, powerful, capable, beautiful, unstoppable, worthy.

People, especially women, tend to beat themselves up over how they see themselves. We are our own worst critics, and we are oftentimes very harsh with ourselves. I love what Coco Chanel once said, that “beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” Because each of us is unique, our true beauty shines when we stop comparing ourselves to others and we see and believe our true worth.

The road to accepting, loving, and being yourself is oftentimes not easy. There will always be struggles and obstacles, especially in our current times where beauty and worth are being made into a commodity.

But, as you get into a new level of faith and confidence in yourself, you will realize that there are even more things for you to surpass from this new place. But because you are developing that muscle of faith and confidence, you know that you have the ability to get through those things in front of you.

The more time that you take to get closer to yourself and recognize your worth, the easier it becomes to do and the more powerful you become because of it.

If you are looking for that one person that will change your life, then go and take a look in the mirror. Don’t run after people to prove that you matter. The fact that you are here, and that God made you to be here is what’s important. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says.

Your value doesn’t decrease just because someone is unable to see your worth. The scripture said, “God created you to do amazing things.” (Ephesians 2:10). If you do YOU and seek to fulfill the purpose that you were created for, then what other people think or how other people see you don’t really matter much.

How do you show your appreciation to yourself?

How do you celebrate yourself?

Invest in yourself. Take the time for self-discovery. Uncover more of your authentic self and the person God created you to be because in that space you will come to see yourself as the beautiful and amazing person that God sees in you.

Out of all the many things to be thankful for, don’t forget to thank yourself for being brave, for being true, for being strong, and for choosing YOU.
You have to learn new perspectives to see the different solutions and multiple opportunities that can expand into new areas. New perspectives lead to new possibilities. New possibilities open more ways to newer and greater levels of whole being abundance.

Invest in yourself and do not be afraid to seek help when you need to. Because you are worth that level of amazing.

If you want to work on your transformation and happiness so you can walk in your purpose, I encourage you to join us on the Festa Della Donna Celebrate You Retreat 2021. Experience personal growth, a ton of breakthroughs, and a life-changing transformation of rebuilding and rediscovering yourself so you can find your true purpose and your true power.
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I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



Life and Purpose

Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Self-Care Series

Wellness and Recovery

Woman Empowerment

Transformation and Spirituality

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