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Powerful Surrender: 3 Tips to Let Go and Let God

By Esther | July 31st 2020 | Transformation and Spirituality, Life and Purpose


When we think about that word, we automatically relate it to a kind of submission that takes away our power and our choice.

But there is one kind of surrender that gives us the opposite – and that is, surrendering to God.

Our basic instincts make it difficult for us to accept surrender. We often get scared of letting go and accepting things as they happen because our brain doesn’t like to deal with change. It likes predictable patterns, like the nicely squared edges inside the box that you can see and feel, and you know so well. So, your brain gives you all the reasons you should stay in the box and pull down all the flaps to close it in, nice and tight.

Knowing and seeing what can happen when we surrender would be a different thing as it would make it easier to go along with the change because we already understand what to expect. Knowing makes things less scary.

But that’s not what surrender or faith is about. And for both of those things, it’s also not a one-time decision or action.

Here are 3 tips to help you let go and accept the change:

1. Make the decision to do it.

Letting go isn’t an all or nothing thing. It has to happen in steps and stages, in different areas of life, as an opportunity presents itself. You can decide to give up something small at first., such as deciding to surrender to the power of understanding, with a single step. Give in a little on your position and show more compassion for the other person’s side of it by asking more questions to get a better understanding of his/her point of view. Listening and making yourself a little vulnerable by opening up a bit makes for stronger and more efficient relationships and connections.

2. Avoid the people, groups, and circumstances that derail your purpose.

Not only will this help you surrender, but it is also life-changing. When you can block out the things and people that bring you down or throw you off course, you can steadily raise your energy. Weed out the toxic people and things in your life and choose to let them go. Without those negative outside pressures affecting you, you get the ability to listen to yourself and the gentle influence of God. It’s much easier to hear it, and do it when you’re fully standing in the power of your own influence.

3. Pray.

When you’re lifted out of your little box, there’s so much you don’t know, so ask God to show you what you need to do. Prayer is the foundation of everything and the foundation for living a purposeful life. Pray for guidance and to be shown the steps that you need to take and ask God to help you accept it. Most of the time, He has something much bigger in store than you can envision. When God brings something new into your life, there’s a reason for it. You just need to surrender to the purpose of finding out what it is. That means you have to accept the possibility in the first place. And this brings you back to step 1.

Surrender yourself to a greater power every day. When you give up control and put your faith and yourself in the hands of God, you are given a greater power that allows you to achieve a purpose bigger than yourself and the things that you can control.

The more you become you, the more powerful you become, and when you allow the greater power of God to lead you to the people and the situations that will bring you even closer to the core of who you are, the faster you will move to your purpose.

Understand the power of surrender and how it helps us in our journey to walking our purpose by visiting my website,

Learn more about faith and purpose and the important truths of life by registering to my FREE mini-course, You Were Created for More.


I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



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