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Life by Design in Seemingly Spiraling Down World

By Esther | November 27th 2020 | Life and Purpose, Wellness and Recovery

“Words satisfy the mind as much as fruit does the stomach. Good talk is as gratifying as good harvests. Words kill. Words give life. They are either poison or fruit. You choose.” - Proverbs 18:20-21

All of us are always in choice. No matter what circumstances we are in, we are always given the choice to choose that which serves us best. God never forces Himself on us. However, we don’t realize it but many times we use God as an excuse for choices we make and choices we don’t make, or the things that we do or don’t do.

God has given us the power to choose. We can either choose to be happy or choose to be sad. We can choose to live well or choose not to.

Choose to Speak Life

This is an important topic to ponder on because we are living in a time where there are so much uncertainty and difficulty. It has been a tough year and I know that there are many among us around the world who are experiencing so much struggle and going through painful and heavy situations.

But in the middle of it all, we are left with no other option but to make a choice. And we have to choose to find the upside in this down-spiral world.

This doesn’t mean sticking a happy face sticker on an empty gas gauge or putting lipstick on a pig in a “fake it until you make it” kind of way. It means choosing to build a stronger foundation inside to weather the storm of negative energy going on around.

Choose that which speaks life into you. Choose to react positively to things that are happening throughout your day. Choose to live your life to the fullest.

From that better feeling place, go inward and reconnect with the things that are important, and make them the focus for your day. Allowing positivity and affirmations into your life will keep you centered and in focus.

Chose to become even more intentional about where you spend your time, what you feed your mind and who you let in. The words that you speak can either give you light or kill you.

Never allow people to use words that kill your spirit and your fortitude. Never allow what has been spoken to you to affect how you show up in the world.

The Power of Choice

You are the navigator of your life. You can navigate how your day is going to go. You get to choose how you are going to live. You get to choose your happiness. You get to choose your reactions, your conversations, and even your actions. You are in choice.

So, make the choice. Make the choice to navigate the conversation to where it is always positive. Choose to become your solution—because the reality is, no one else can really be your shining light. You must choose to turn toward it or live in the dark. This means that YOU are in control.

God has given us the power to control how we live our lives, no matter the circumstances. He has given us the power to choose the words, the thoughts, the actions that dictate how we live our lives.

Too often we let the situation dictate how we feel, instead of deciding how we want to feel and let that dictate the situation.

The more you focus on what you want to create and become intentional about creating it, the easier it is to live up, even in a down-spiral world.

In your everyday life, how do you speak life into yourself and into others?

Positivity in Disruption

Living life by design means bringing together all the different areas of your life to design something beautiful. But many times, that beauty does not really come forward until there’s disruption.

Disruption happens when we are in the midst of making big decisions in life, and this causes us to think twice, to doubt, and to feel uncertain of the choices given to us. But disruption often happens for a reason.

We need to look at the reasons why things happen in our life. Disruptions, for example, often happen because either something needs to be thought of thoroughly or you need rest to clear your thoughts. Disruptions can become positive because it helps move you forward if you choose to.

Are you choosing to let disruptions give you an opportunity for rest and guidance or are you choosing to be angry and negative because of the disruptions?

Final Words

Remember that our tongue is the pen of a ready writer. What are you going to write? What words are you speaking? Are you speaking life into a situation? What does speaking life look like?

Speaking life is choosing the words that will lift a person up. Speaking life is speaking gratefulness and thankfulness.

Because even in the midst of everything bad or negative that is happening, good things will also still happen. It is in these moments that we realize how blessed we really are.

Choosing life means limiting conversations with people who don’t choose life, the people who choose to stay down even if you try to lift them up.

Always make sure to stay up for yourself first because then you will be able to lift those around you up. If you don’t, then how can you expect to lift people up when you are way down?

Choosing life means in every downward spiral, you look to where you see God and where you see the light shining in everything.

Choosing life means choosing to absorb the positive and staying away from the negative.

Begin to look to see what you can do to make yourself feel better.

Choosing life is choosing peace, happiness, love, and joy.

If you want to work on your transformation and happiness so you can walk in your purpose, I encourage you to join us on the Festa Della Donna Celebrate You Retreat 2021. Experience personal growth, a ton of breakthroughs, and a life-changing transformation of rebuilding and rediscovering yourself so you can find your true purpose and your true power.
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I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



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