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Healing from Hurts and Walking in Purpose

By Esther | November 10th 2020 | Life and Purpose, Wellness and Recovery

Are you healing from your hurts and walking in your purpose?

Have you ever felt like you are the only person on earth that is experiencing the struggle, the pain, the hurts that you are going through?

You Are Not Alone!

Your struggle is not exclusive. Everybody has, at some point in their lives, felt like they are alone, and they are the only ones feeling that way.

The reason may be because we keep our struggles and our pain and hurts to ourselves. When we don’t share what we feel and keep it all in, we confine the emotions and the negativity to our own personal bubble. We are allowing the negativity to exist inside our space and get affected by it, and then we see that others are not.

Our inner critics get loud when we think about changing things up, even if the change is a positive one. Our brains like the status quo much better because it’s predictable…but that’s not going to let you live the big, bold, and deliciously juicy life you want.

Reach Out and Share Your Story

That is why it is so important to reach out to other people whether it be family, friends, or even a counselor, a coach, or a mentor. Talking about experiences and emotions allows us to let go of the negative energy and makes us realize that they are something other people have also gone through.

And this lets us get clear of the things in our lives, our goals, our relationships, and our purpose. We get to discover ourselves more which leads us to understand the reason why we were created.

Walk in Your Purpose

When we are walking in purpose we sometimes get to a point that our body feels exhausted and tired, but our spirit feels refreshed, renewed, and revived. The exhaustion that comes with the renewal is because we have fulfilled a purpose. Purpose requires us to do excellent and play full out.

When you want to do something in excellence, you don’t shortchange or do it halfway. When God calls you to do something, he calls you to do it all the way out. You either do it or you don’t.

Purpose Comes In Stages

There is a season for every purpose in your life and you have to determine and know exactly what season you are in at the very moment.

Whatever your purpose is and at whatever season you may be, make sure that you are playing full out and that you are showing up 110 percent. Because if you are going to shortchange others, you are actually going to shortchange yourself.

Serve YOU First

So, when you are serving others, you have to make sure that you have served yourself first. Show up for yourself 100 percent. Make sure that you are walking your 365 days of purpose.

Be firm and determined with fulfilling that purpose and showing up. If you do, no matter what people say, even if they don’t understand or don’t like what you are doing, nothing will deter you because you know that you are fulfilling your purpose. And so, all is well.

Are You Living And Fulfilling Your Purpose?

This is a conversation that you need to get on with yourself. And as you do, don’t fake the funk and lie to yourself. Be truthful in admitting where you are right now with fulfilling your purpose. It is either a yes or a no.

There are moments when all you can do is laugh but then it’s okay because you know that you are here for such a time as this, fulfilling a purpose and doing it full out.

Final Words

Heal from your hurts and walk in your purpose.

Don’t bottle all your pain and struggles in. Share your story and you will realize that you are not alone. Take care of yourself and serve yourself so that you can also serve others. The season you are in gives you an opportunity to discover why you are here.

What is your purpose in this season of your life?

You need to know why you were placed here on this earth and now is the time to do it.

If you want to work on your transformation and happiness so you can walk in your purpose, I encourage you to join us on the Festa Della Donna Celebrate You Retreat 2021. Experience personal growth, a ton of breakthroughs, and a life-changing transformation of rebuilding and rediscovering yourself so you can find your true purpose and your true power.
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I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



Life and Purpose

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Wellness and Recovery

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