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Healing and Happiness is Our Birthright

By Esther | November 6th 2020 | Self-Care Series, Transformation and Spirituality, Wellness and Recovery, Life and Purpose

We are all created with a purpose, and the journey towards our purpose requires us to show up healed and happy. But this doesn’t mean that we need to be happy always and that we have to already be healed and fulfilled before we walk in our purpose. Healing and happiness is not a one and done. It is a process that we have to go through even as we are already walking in purpose.

God wants us to be whole, healthy, and abundant. God sees us as perfect exactly the way we are, no matter what we have been through in our lives. And He polishes us so that our perfection shines through brighter and we are able to serve our purpose.

But our egos and false thoughts of unworthiness hold us back from transformation. And oftentimes, it is the reason why we are not able to walk in our purpose and become who we were created to be.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that from the moment we were created, we are already given our healing. Healing is our birthright. Otherwise, we would never be able to recover from all the cuts and bruises that we got on the playground when we were little.

What we need then is just to have to get past the mental blocks holding us back from the wonder that is waiting for each and every one of us. All we have to do is deepen our faith in ourselves and in God to get it.

Are You Blocking Your Own Healing?

How do you know when you’re getting in the way of your own healing and happiness?

1. You say you want something and then talk yourself out of it.

Our inner critics get loud when we think about changing things up, even if the change is a positive one. Our brains like the status quo much better because it’s predictable…but that’s not going to let you live the big, bold, and deliciously juicy life you want.

2. You procrastinate.

The brain is a wily little thing. If you manage to get around your inner critic a new voice pops up—the one that says, “You deserve to take a little rest right now. It’s been a tough day. Tomorrow, you can start the new thing.” If you’ve heard that and listened to it, you are stopping yourself before you even get started.

3. You need everything to be perfect before you move forward.

You guessed it, it’s just another way your brain is keeping you in the status quo. If you find yourself waiting for the perfect time or you keep going over something again and again because it’s not quite right, it’s definitely a sign you’re holding yourself back.

Start the Journey Towards Your Healing

I went on a week of juicy conversation with women movers and shakers who are friends of mine and we talked about 360° healing and happiness. I had Dr. Robin Moore-Chambers, Julie Fleming, Yetta Dekker, Yasmina Fadli, and Soul Sista Nyccki Cervantes talk with me to my audience about what it means to have whole life healing and happiness.

The conversations were very powerful. We talked about how we tend to get in the way of our own healing and happiness. And we discussed how each and every one of us can work our way towards our healing.

Oftentimes, we try to keep our hurts, our pain, and our struggles inside, doing our best to show the world that we are smiling and doing fine. But this goes against our own healing.

Don’t bottle up your hurts. When you get to your lowest point, know that you won’t stay there for long.

There is a life that you can create beyond your wildest dreams. You can have everything as long as you start the journey of healing and happiness.

How many times in your life did you feel so low that you went into a destructive pattern towards you?

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Move Towards Your Healing

Your best growth happens outside of your comfort zone. The comfort zone that we get in sometimes becomes limiting beliefs.

Often what you really need is a “SEA” change. You need to break down the borders of your comfort zone and make the change. You just have to acknowledge, accept, and appreciate so you can heal.

You are in charge of your own life. You are responsible for your health, happiness, and well-being. You have the power and the authority to be happy and healthy and well.

Healing is Your Birthright

Your healing is not a one and done. Be honest and transparent. The first person you need to be honest and transparent to is yourself. And most important, do self-care so you can get on the path of healing.

When you begin your healing, you are taking the journey back to being a better version of you, and you are walking in your greatness towards fulfilling your purpose of what you were created for.

Healing is our birthright. Dive deep and be healed at the cellular level. Make the decision to show up for you. Renew your mind. Replace the negative self-talk with powerful self-talk. Continue walking in your healing. You will then discover your greatness and show up happier.

Listen to Your Inner Child

When you dive deep, you will realize that a lot of your hurts and struggles have been locked away inside for so long where your inner child has been waiting for you to show up and deal with them.

You need to give yourself room in order to heal that inner child. You have to provide God space to move for your healing. God progressively manifests in your life as you grow. God says that He came that you may have life, and have it more abundantly.

Get in touch with your inner child so you can work towards your healing.

When was the last time you talked with your inner child and what did he/she tell you?

Get Healed and Be Happy

When you begin your journey towards healing, you can already begin feeling the transformation that enables you to be happy. And as you begin to be happy, your healing takes a leap forward.

Remember that healing is intentional. You have to know and accept your wounds and your need for healing so you can begin to work towards it. It takes time, sometimes for years. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t be happy. And being happy does not mean we are already healed.

It is a process that you work on slowly, and it begins with your relationship with God. Religion separates people. But our relationship with God brings all of us together.

Healing and Celebration

When your healing comes about because of something not of your own doing, such as waking up from a coma, you have experienced miraculous healing.

When you go inwards and work your way outwards, giving your energy and your all to heal from your wounds, you are experiencing restorative healing.

Preventative healing is something that you are predisposed to, and it takes intention. When you do preventative health, you no longer have to put much effort into the restorative.

As you work towards your healing and restore your health, take tiny little life steps, then you’ll step out and celebrate.

When we have all areas of our life handled and involved in the healing process, they become in harmony with each other. Choose and take your little life steps so you can celebrate your healing.

What is the smallest life step that you can do and celebrate? What intentions will you be consistent with?

Final Words

In Mark 5:25-34, there was a story of a woman who suffered from a bleeding disorder for 12 years. She did whatever it took just to touch Jesus’s cloak because she was sure it would heal her.

She had complete faith, which is why Jesus said, “Daughter, your faith healed you. Go in peace and be free from your suffering.”

It’s admirable to have such determination and a focus of will.

God healed her body, mind, and spirit through her faith. And when you get that it’s like a rebirth.

That’s when you get to become more of the person that God created you to be.

If you want to work on your transformation and happiness so you can walk in your purpose, I encourage you to join us on the Festa Della Donna Celebrate You Retreat 2021. Experience personal growth, a ton of breakthroughs, and a life-changing transformation of rebuilding and rediscovering yourself so you can find your true purpose and your true power.
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I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



Life and Purpose

Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Self-Care Series

Wellness and Recovery

Woman Empowerment

Transformation and Spirituality

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