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It’s Time to Give Your Brain a Break

By Esther | October 21st 2020 | Self-Care Series, Life and Purpose

We often get caught up in so many things that we need to do every day that we forget to stop and take a breather. Most of the time we create and follow a schedule to manage our day, especially when we have so many things to do. Things have become even more difficult to handle when everything has to be done with limitations.

We try to get it through the day, accomplish as many as we can accomplish in a day, and go to bed exhausted and thinking about the next day having to do everything all over again.

Give yourself grace and ease.

Know that you are doing well, and you are doing fine. You are human. You are not expected to be perfect in everything you do. You can make mistakes that you can learn from. You are allowed to do only what is possible for you to do. But most of all, you are allowed to…

Give your brain a break.

If you have a schedule, put that in your schedule. Every once in awhile, shut your brain down. Don’t focus on the rest of the tasks that you need to accomplish. Don’t focus on your projects. Don’t focus on your challenges or feelings of depression. Just stop thinking about all the daily stuff and struggles that you go through.

Focus on YOU.

Shut your cellphone off. Don’t listen to or watch any news. Go on a walk. Go for a drive. Sit on the beach. Whatever it is that you choose to do, stop thinking about anything. Stop thinking about the things you should be doing, the things that happened, or the challenges that you are facing.

Just free your mind.

Give your brain a break from thinking, from solving problems, from everything surrounding you. Give your brain a break from all the flurries of everyday life, from the wild thoughts running on your mind, from the disturbances of the world.

Start small.

You don’t have to spend hours on end to do it. Even for just 10 or 15 minutes a day. And then increase it should you find it suits you better going longer than that.

The point is that you are giving your brain a break, you are walking away thinking about nothing but pleasant and relaxing things that focus on you. You can choose to listen to music while you do to set a relaxing mood and give you motivation for what comes after.

Music settles and calms.

It gives you peace and allows you to release your burdens and your thoughts and be in tune with yourself.

Psychological research has found that taking breaks refreshes the mind, replenishes your mental resources, and helps you become more creative. It also raises your level of engagement, reduces stress and frustration, increases attention, and boosts productivity. On the other hand, depriving your brain of downtimes diminishes your ability to think creatively and strategically handle complex problems. You overwork your brain and your mental faculties become affected.

You lose our AHA moments.

Giving your brain a break puts your brain on optimal drive. You are able to process your thoughts better. You are able to hear God clearly and understand what it is you should be doing.

Step away.

Go out of the area where you are currently working on, from your house, or your neighborhood. Step away for a short while and free your mind.

Be present with YOU.

Be present with yourself. Then be present with God. Be where you are and don’t be bothered with your surroundings, with what you stepped away from, or what you will be doing tomorrow. Just be where you are. When you do, your biggest aha moments reveal themselves. You can hear the little voice speaking to you. Be present.

Finally, love on you.

Love on you so that when you get back you are able to love on everybody else. As you focus on yourself, give yourself permission to accept your flaws, and love yourself. You are made in God’s image. And that makes you beautiful and perfect in His eyes just the way you are. Love yourself and spread that love outward. Loving yourself makes it easier to love others.

Final Words

Just as our bodies need to rest and reset, so do our brains need some time off. Having so many things to do and so many thoughts to process, our brains will eventually beg us to stop, telling us that it is full and need some downtime.

The New York Times wrote in an article that "Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice; it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body, and deprived of it we suffer a mental affliction as disfiguring as rickets."

Space and quiet essentially allow us to stand back from life and see it whole, so we can make unexpected connections and wait for inspiration to strike. Taking a brain break is necessary to gather our thoughts and to get work done.

 To learn more about healing, happiness, and purpose, get my book,“Why? Stepping into Purpose” for powerful stories of self-discovery and purpose.
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I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



Life and Purpose

Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Self-Care Series

Wellness and Recovery

Woman Empowerment

Transformation and Spirituality

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