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Give the Gift of You

By Esther | December 7th 2020 | Life and Purpose, Self-Care Series, Women Empowerment

You are a gift.

You were created to fulfill a purpose and share that purpose with the world. And you can do that by being present. When you are present, you are giving yourself to others and giving a part of your time and your life to them.

Be here. Wherever you are or wherever you may be, be all there.

Live your life in harmony. Give yourself the gift of you, of joy, peace, happiness, and self-care. Harmony makes small things grow. Let go of your worries. Do not stress over things that you have no control of. Live and be. When your thoughts, words, and actions are in harmony, you find happiness and peace.

Are you being present with the people in your life that if they leave they will leave in peace?

Spend time with your family and the important people in your life. Deep dive and give yourselves the chance to get to know each other better. Give yourself as a gift and move into peace, joy, and happiness.

Show people how much value you give to their thoughts, their ideas, their efforts, and their actions. Giving value to others helps us to grow emotionally. When you give value to what people think, say, or do, you are showing them how important they are and that they matter.

How do you become present and intentional with the people that matter to you?

Be intentional about the gift of you so you can find joy and happiness

You have to make sure that you first do self-care so that everything else follows.

Get intentional about the gift of you and focus on YOU. This allows us to let go of things that are not important and focus on those that matter most.

You are invaluable.

You didn’t come with a price tag when God created you. And when you give yourself to your loved ones, when you are very present and intentional, then you become priceless.

Take care of yourself and make sure that you are mentally and emotionally well. Live your life in harmony. And when difficult things and circumstances come your way, choose. Be intentional with your choices. You are in control of how you react and what that reaction looks like.

How do you ensure that you are reacting appropriately to whatever is happening?

When things get out of control, you can either react or respond. Reacting is more of an out of control way of dealing with the situation at the moment and rarely has good outcomes. Responding, on the other hand, has more of a controlled thought process behind it.

When things start to go sideways, you have to find a way to give yourself a little space so you can settle your mind and body to be able to think rationally. Then you can respond appropriately.

Get closer to your authentic self and get clear on what you want to happen. When you can connect with the deeper truer part of yourself, it will guide you to a better outcome.

How do you give the gift of you?

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) God has created you with greatness inside. You are phenomenal, unique, and beautiful. You need not be, do or have anything more for you to be happy. You are perfect just the way you are.

When you give yourself the gift of you, you are serving yourself first. When you do that, you fill yourself up until you overflow. And then you can give so much of yourself from your overflow.

Material gifts are only temporal. What lasts forever are good memories and the moments that you have been present. That is what people remember of you. They are not going to remember how much you had, or the things that you had or have given them. What they remember are the stories behind them.

Be positive and uplifting. Celebrate YOU!

If you want to work on your transformation and happiness so you can walk in your purpose, I encourage you to join us on the Festa Della Donna Celebrate You Retreat 2021. Experience personal growth, a ton of breakthroughs, and a life-changing transformation of rebuilding and rediscovering yourself so you can find your true purpose and your true power.
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I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



Life and Purpose

Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Self-Care Series

Wellness and Recovery

Woman Empowerment

Transformation and Spirituality

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