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Defining Moments: Powerful Breakthrough to Your Purpose

By Esther | August 17th 2020 | Transformation and Spirituality, Life and Purpose

No matter what is going on in your life, no matter how difficult it is, or no matter how much it challenges you, God always has a purpose, and what you are going through right now, just might be your defining moment.

Let me share with you my own defining moment that gave me the direction of my true purpose to help you define yours.

This happened 20 years ago. My family stood closely together outside the mausoleum, grieving deeply, as we watched my father enter his final resting place. The sound of that door slamming made me flinch. It was so loud…and final.

That sound is still crystal clear in my memory, as is the sound of my sister’s sobs. They wracked her body as she leaned into me.

Tears streamed down my own face, but at that moment, something uniquely beautiful happened to me – I felt the spirit of my father enter my heart.

It was such a warm and big energy, just like the man who had been my father, and it gave me strength.

It also gave me something more.

My father was a great man and he did great things. When I felt that energy in my heart, I knew at that very moment that God wanted me to carry on my father’s work, but in my own way.

It has taken me the better part of the last 20 years to figure out exactly how I was supposed to do that.

I thought, at first, that it was being a pastor for my community since that's what my dad did, but I felt like there was a piece missing. I knew deep in my soul, that I was meant for something more, but I couldn’t quite figure out what that was, until just a few years ago.

It was then that I experienced my deepest point of darkness and despair. So deep, I wasn’t sure I was going to make it out. And anything I tried to do to find relief fell through.

I was devastated. And broken.

Until I finally let go and surrendered everything to God. I prayed for Him to show me the way out.

He brought me directly to the people who would help me define my purpose, in a fraction of the time it took me to get to my lowest point.

I know now that my life’s mission is to help other people find their divine path and purpose. My work is to help people, no matter how far they are in their journey, realize where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do.

Maybe, right now, you are in the same kind of dark place where I was, and I want you to know I am here for you. And so is God, even if it feels like you are alone.

No matter how painful or difficult it may seem, always remember that there is a good and beautiful place waiting for you when the storm has passed through. It may not seem like it, but these moments are preparing you for the wonderful life you are supposed to be living. Defining moments usually arrive just when you feel surrounded by adversity.

Move beyond your pain to learn and grow from it. Because if you can’t take a good rub, how can you ever be a polished gem, sparkling, beautiful, and purposeful? Everything that you have been through does not define you. But the person that you are today was made by HOW you got through everything.

Life can sometimes be difficult and painful, but you can get out of these fearful and painful states like I did and walk more fully in your purpose.

Surrender to God's plan.                  

I have to admit that the surrender part of purpose, is one of the most difficult things to do. We feel like the lack of control is going to negatively affect our outcomes, but nothing could be further than the truth.

When you surrender yourself to God's plan, you open yourself up to a world of greater possibility. It becomes easier because our view is limited, but when we let God deliver, we are shown more than our own small point of view. We get a greater vision on many levels, and that is one of the things that will allow you to stand fully focused on your purpose, as you walk the path He lays down for you.

And remember, control is an illusion. If the start of 2020 isn't a testament to that, I don't know what is!

Find your defining moment.

Each one of us has an event in our lives that has changed the trajectory of where we were once headed. Sometimes it’s a trauma and other times it can be something that's absolutely enlightening, but either way, life is never the same afterward.

Your purpose is tied with these particular events, most especially when you become passionate about the new perspective you have been given. Your purpose is something that won't let you go, and it shows up over and over again in your life. It's that feeling in your belly and the thoughts in your mind that keep coming back because they don’t want to be left behind. Your job is to figure out how you can use your unique gifts to bring that purpose to life.

Every person’s life has a defining moment, and within that moment, everything that that person is shines its brightest. I once read that when a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things: either you define the moment, or let the moment define you. It is your choice.

Give yourself a call to action in your life.

We never know how much time we have, and it would be truly sad for any of us not to live out the full purpose we were brought here for. That's why I think it's so important to try to narrow down your purpose as quickly as possible and figure out what it is that you're supposed to do, and how you're supposed to do it. Your natural talents and gifts work together with your purpose to bring it to life in a way that only you can. You could be a writer, speaker, or an artist and each one of those things will speak your truth, in your purpose, in a way that only you can.

God puts purpose into everything. Your job is to take action every single day to live out your greater purpose in your life. Nothing will make you feel more centred, happier, or more in tune with the world around you, than when you are living out your purpose by delivering your gifts to the people who really need what only you can offer.

There is a reason for the path that you are walking on. Keep going and work towards finding what God has planned for you and created you to be.

I can help you find your purpose if you haven’t already. Get my FREE Mini-Course or book a call with me. Without a doubt, the two of us coming together is going to lead to something beautiful.


I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



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