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Find Out Your Purpose Now by Discovering Your ‘Superpower’

By Esther | July 20th 2020 | Spiritual

What are we called to do?

What are we created to do?

What is our destiny?

How should we walk that purpose and that destiny?

These are but a few of the questions we constantly rage into battle with within ourselves, and that most of the time confuse and frustrate us. I recently was in a stirring conversation on my Facebook live with a dear friend of mine, Zina Letrece, whom I have had the pleasure to grow and speak life to so many people with and we talked about this topic and how we can go into the journey of discovering and walking purpose and destiny in our lives.

So, what is indeed our purpose? And how do we “discover” it and live it? Here are some approaches that you can take in finding out.

Be on the journey.

The journey is just as important as the destination. Zina said that much of what we are today is connected to how we got on this journey. We stumble across so many challenges in life, but this should never discourage us because each challenge that we experience becomes a tool of freedom that we offer someone who walks into our path. We were birthed with purpose and the journey it takes to finding that purpose and how to operate in that purpose, to build a life that will allow that purpose to sustain and motivate and serve others will be the tools that we use to share.

Do not get discouraged and disconcerted on the journey but keep moving forward even as you fail. Things happen in life, but what’s important is you fail forward. You keep going further even if the journey causes you to trip and fall. Because from these failures, you learn and you discover what you can and cannot do.

Realize your Superpower.

There is a superpower in each and every one of us. A superpower that enables us to help and serve others, but people often fail to be aware of and recognize it. We have the power to achieve so much but we have to understand that power because many of us don’t even realize it and don’t really live it out.

My friend Zina told me that her superpower is seeing the light and showing others their light. No matter what darkness that a person walks in she is able to show and point to the light in that person. Our superpowers are the things that we are good at, the part of ourselves that allow us to create an impact in the lives of other people. And these become our tools to understand and to discover what our purpose is and what we were created for.

Be in agreement with God.

When God put something in you, He will not be denied. Every sleeping point in your life will always bring you to a waking point which gives you awareness and lets you realize what your superpower is. At this point, you have to become in agreement with Him.

When we’re in agreement with the plan of God for us then there’s really nothing that we won’t be able to handle. There’s going to be obstacles and haters and things that are coming our way, but these are just various seasons of purpose and when we’re in agreement with God, as He’s leading us and guiding us, we can step into our purpose and we can rise to our destiny. We have different purposes in our lives and when we surrender, we realize what season of purpose we are in.

Surrender and let God in.

God is a gentleman. He won’t push Himself on us. The bottom line is we have to surrender to Him and we have to be in agreement with Him. God has already offered all that we want, need, and desire but He will not force it on us. And He will not come except by invitation.

Agreeing to God’s plan for us and being in alignment is how we invite God in. The ask that were responsible to do says to God that we are willing to go to the lengths we will have to go to get done what He would have us to do. If we do that with full commitment and agreement, we will find fulfillment for the God-sized hole that we have been trying to fill with except with God.

Look in places that you know.

We often run away from doing and walking in the will of God and the purpose that He has for us because of fear and uncertainty. But no matter what directions we choose, He’ll meet us wherever we're at because He won’t be denied. We have to surrender to God and become in agreement with Him.

We often try to understand God in ways we thought we should, but God will talk to us in whatever language we will listen to. We will not speak the language that He has been speaking. He will speak the language that we are speaking so that we can hear because His whole goal is that we hear. This means that we're in alignment by any means necessary, but the message is the same so that we can understand.

So, the message remains but the method changes. Therefore, you have to go somewhere you can hear. You have to take action that couples with your faith. It’s so important that you do what’s necessary for you to do so you can become the woman or man of God that God has really called you to be, and you can fully step into your purpose and destiny. We have to find a safe space where we can be taught the tools that we need to be emotionally well, spiritually well, and physically well.

Pay attention.

Zina told a story of a woman in church who kept telling the pastor that she was not going back to church anymore because there were a few church members who were doing things that were against what the church teaches. The pastor said,

“Do me a favor. On the first Sunday, I want you to carry a cup of water and I want you to keep your eye on the cup, just during Communion. And whatever you do, don’t spill it.”

The woman did it successfully and at the end of the communion one of the pastor’s armor bears came and relieved her of the cup. At their next meeting, the pastor asked the woman if she noticed what a certain sister was doing, and then she said,

“I didn’t see her”.

Then the pastor asked again if she noticed what a certain brother was doing and the woman replied,

“I didn’t even notice him”.

So, the pastor asked her,

“Why? What were you doing?”

The woman replied,

“I kept my eye on that cup”.

The pastor said,

“Exactly. If you will keep your eyes stayed with the Lord, you will not notice the business that has nothing to do with you.”

When we pay attention to what God would have us do, the only time we will recognize another light bearer struggling in our environment is when we are called to that light bearer to assist it, not to judge, not to gossip, not to laugh nor ridicule.

Reprogram. Stop living in the past.

We all have belief systems and experiences that have impacted us greatly and have taken root in our spirit. We believe that as we grow into adulthood, these experiences and belief systems no longer have a place in our present and future decisions. But most of the time, we would begin to operate from those belief systems that we have been programmed in from a subconscious place as we respond to triggering events without even knowing it.

Look in the mirror and see yourself as to who you are, nurture the little child inside, and move on. As Zina says, uncover, discover, and discard.

Live out your life walking in full purpose of what God wants you to walk in and what He wants you to do. You can’t do anything and live in full purpose if you’ve got all these issues inside of you, if you don’t know who you really are, if you’re not really experiencing joy, if you don’t feel good about who you are, if you’re still living in the past, if you’re still dealing with hurt and unforgiveness and all of these different things.

Get a personal coach.

Sometimes you just need to go ahead and get a personal coach to help you break through some things. There are things that are difficult for you to see but are easily recognized by someone else. Sometimes it is difficult to face the ugly truth about ourselves on our own, so we benefit from someone who has been there and who has made the journey making it easier for us to get to where we should be. As Zina says, “You’re ugliest ugly is the freedom tool for someone who can’t get back to their true beauty”.

Final Thoughts

There are so many challenges and pain points that we go through in life, and these make it harder to discover who we are. Learning about our “superpowers”, the gifts that we have, the things that we can do and are good in doing is one of the ways that we can understand ourselves and set the path that God has planned out for us from the day we were born to discover our greatness within and live our purpose.

What is your superpower? Are you ready to discover and live your purpose?

For more on discovering your purpose and uncovering important truths of your life, register to my FREE mini-course, You Were Created for More. This will set you on the path to understanding the what and the why of your life.


I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



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