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3 Secrets to Keeping A Focused and Positive Mind

By Esther | August 5th 2020 | Self-Care Series

“Words kill, words give life; they are either poison or fruit – you choose.”
                                                                            -Proverbs 18:21

Anger is an emotion that we all go through on a daily basis. It is something that is easy to be in but difficult to control and get out of.

At one point in my life, I experienced such unhealthy anger — towards the injustice around me, towards a world that refuses to understand me, and towards myself for the uncertainty and doubt that I had about myself and what I stood for.

I realized that my anger was caused by the negativity that I harbored in my thoughts and in my words. This negativity attracted negative (or pessimistic) people who could only see the negative things around them and created a negative reality. It affected me so much that I reached a point where I didn’t like the negative place I would end up in anymore. And so, I decided that it needed to stop.

Research suggests that negative effects and information weigh and impact more heavily than positive ones. This is known as the negativity bias or negativity effect. Negative ideas and situations impact a person’s behavior and cognition more than positive ones do. To put it concisely, what you think about, you bring about.

We create what we speak, and we speak what we think. So, if you want to change what you have in your life, you have to change the way you think and what you say. Only then can you create a new reality. But how do we do it and remain committed to doing it?

Here are three (3) ways that I do to keep a focused and positive mind:

1. Check your thoughts.

Making a change requires one to become conscious of the starting point. This means that we have to notice and be aware of our thoughts and where it leads. A great practice would be to start asking yourself questions about the thoughts you are having and why you are having them. Are you creating fictitious arguments in your head? Making judgments about the people around you? Attributing negative characteristics where they might not be true? When you catch yourself thinking and doing that, STOP. At that moment, make a conscious shift and find something good to think of and focus on instead.

2. Compliment the people in your life.

The one thing that a lot of people seem to not be aware of is that our words have power. Words can either build confidence and self-esteem, or they can tear it down. So, choose to build people up. Carefully choose the words that you are going to say. Every person has something positive within them. Think about those, especially the things that you admire in other people, and tell them! Even if it’s just the conviction of their beliefs or their tenacity (isn’t that a better word than stubborn?), tell them with words that build confidence and positivity. And do not forget that YOU are one of the people in your life, if not the most important. It’s just as vital, if not more so, to find the things you love about yourself and say them out loud.

3. Pick a quote of the day.

When you set your intention for the day, you give yourself the opportunity to show up in a different way. Whether it’s a quote or even just a word that matters to you, keep it in the forefront of your thoughts, words, and behaviors, and find ways you can put it into action throughout the day. You will be amazed at the difference it makes to the way you feel about your day and your life. There’s a scripture verse that I like that says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21) Words, whether read or spoken, either fill us up with fruits of love or feed us with poison. Nurturing positivity in your life begins with filling yourself up with fruits of love from words of encouragement and affirmation.

Everybody has a different opinion over beliefs, cultures, politics, family dynamics, and more, but just because someone thinks differently doesn’t mean that they are wrong, or that we are. It just means that we are all different and we think differently. And that’s ok. That’s what makes this world interesting and beautiful. Choose to take on a positive growth mindset. Decide who you want to be. Then focus your thoughts in a way that supports that new version of you. Speak the words that will help you form that new reality. And watch as something new and beautiful grows within and around you.

For more strategies on how to change your mindset and walk in your purpose, check out my book, Why? Stepping into Purpose. This is a powerful book of discovery, clarity, and transformation.


I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



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