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11 Steps to Emotional and Mental Wellness

By Esther | August 25th 2020 | Wellness and Recovery, Self-Care Series

A lot of times we think mental and emotional wellness is the same, but they really are not. Mental wellness deals with your mind and your mental health, while emotional wellness deals with your emotions, your heart, and your soul.

Mental and emotional wellness are different, but they are connected, like two different sides of the same coin. Emotional wellness leads to mental wellness. So, if you are not doing well emotionally then that can lead to you not doing very well mentally.

The scripture in 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.” We were created and born with a sound mind, but the majority of our mental wellness is influenced by our life experiences. Situations in our life lead us to feel different and oftentimes complicated emotions that affect our thoughts and our mindset, shaping our mental health and wellness.

Before taking on the steps to mental and emotional wellness, it is first necessary to recognize where we are emotionally. What emotions dominate our daily life? God wants us to live a “well” life. He wants us to be mentally, emotionally, physically, physiologically, and financially well.

Whole life abundance means wellness in every area of our life. And many times, it just requires us to make some choices and make some needlepoint moves, those little moves and little steps that you need to take. Learning to maintain our emotional wellness is paramount to keeping us mentally well. So how do we deal and take care of our emotions?

Here are 11 steps that you can take for your emotional and mental wellness:

1. Get enough rest.

Research has shown that a person should get at least 7-9 hours of sleep a night. When you are not properly rested, you tend to get too tired and fatigued, you become cranky and grouchy, you get easily affected and emotionally unstable, and you become a little bit difficult to get along with. Make rest a priority and schedule your rest just as you schedule the rest of your day.

2. Exercise.

You do not have to go to the gym, or enroll in classes, or spend much to exercise. You just have to choose a physical activity that you can do regularly, such as going on a walk outdoors. When you are not doing emotionally well, you can go for a walk, pray, and talk to God so you can process your emotions and get a clear mind and a clear understanding of the things that are bothering you.

Studies have shown that when you walk or do any type of physical exercise, your brain releases hormones such as serotonin and endorphins, that will boost your mood. Exercising improves your breathing as well that helps you to sleep better at night. As your emotional stability improves, so does your mental stability.

3. Volunteer your time.

Volunteering your time helps you shift your emotions to something or someone else. There are many ways that one can volunteer even without getting out of your house, especially at this age of technology. You can offer lessons, coaching, or counseling virtually using online platforms such as Zoom, or read a story, or start a drive, virtually. Research and find ways that suit you best and serve others in any way you can. You not only shift your focus, but you also get a sense of fulfillment and gratitude when you are serving others.

4. Deep breathing.

Deep breathing can help you calm yourself and get centered. It can also help you lose weight.

Plant your feet flat on the ground, put your hands on your thighs, close your eyes, imagine yourself somewhere else, take a deep breath in, hold it for about five seconds, and push all the negativity out as you push the air out of your lungs. You can also do deep breathing when you are walking or driving. The point is to get centered and inhale and exhale deeply.

Deep breathing brings calmness, reduces anxiety, slows down heart rate, and increases oxygen in your brain which helps you clear your mind and achieve mental stability.

5. Spend time with friends.

Two is better than one. There are countless ways to spend time and connect with friends. You can go on a video call, meet up if you are allowed, or even just picking up the phone to call or send text messages. Hang out with your friends and share your thoughts and emotions, share a laugh, and just talk about anything that interests and connects you.

Choose true friends to spend time with, those who make you laugh, who pick you up when you are down, who accepts you and make you feel good about who you are and you are the same to them. True and positive friends speak life into you and help you deal and cope with your emotions, as well as help you gain clarity with the things that are confusing and bothering you.

6. Take time to unplug.

Technology is so much a part of our life nowadays that sometimes it becomes the reason for our emotional problems and turmoil. There is a lot of negativity in the world and a great deal of that is being covered and reflected in the media, including social media. Apart from that, many of us are so keen on getting “connected” with everyone that we spend so much time on social media than we do with things and relationships in real life.

Take the time to unplug from technology and from the online world. Read a book, write in a journal, spend some time in the real world, and with people around you. Connecting to reality helps you get grounded and stay in the present. It helps you to think freely and positively and be aware of your blessings and the realness of your life.

7. Write a journal.

Write down your feelings and emotions in your journal. Writing down your emotions enables you to see what you are really feeling and process them even more clearly. And as you are processing them, you may be able to discover things about yourself that will help you understand why you are feeling these emotions and see where your thoughts and mindset are really at.

8. Get organized.

It is important that you do things one at a time and focus on that one thing at each time. Get your things, your tasks, and yourself in order. Get organized and put your intentions for the day in a calendar. List down what you are trying to accomplish for that day. Getting organized will keep things from piling up that will prevent stress, negativity, and emotional distress.

9. Think about what you’re THINKING ABOUT.

Whatever you think about you bring about. So, if you are thinking negatively and you’re around negative people, you will begin to have that negative self-talk. Think about your thoughts and process your thoughts. Think about things that pick you up, things that make you happy, and think positively about yourself.

When you begin to think positively, your perspective will change, your emotions will begin to change, and you begin to react to things positively. Whatever you think about and talk about, you bring about. Energy grows where energy goes. Wherever the mind goes the body follows. When you focus your energy on negative things and you are thinking negatively, then your body follows, and you embody the negative thought which affects your emotions negatively. But if you begin to think positively, of things that are good and peaceful, of joy and happiness, then you are going to embody that positivity and walk in it.

10. Talk about your feelings.

Never ignore your feelings and emotions. Don’t pack your feelings and emotions in, and pack it in, and pack it in, waiting until you are ready to talk about it but then you’ve become too overwhelmed that you have become explosive. Get a safe space. Get someone who you feel safe to talk about your emotions with. It is important to get things off your chest.

If you can’t find someone, you can talk about it with yourself or with God. Hearing the words aloud lets you understand what you are feeling and helps you to begin processing them. After you talk about your emotions, you then begin to take the next steps in your life to maintain your emotions and get how you’re feeling resolved and placed in the right perspective.

11. Make a gratitude list.

Write down what it is that you are grateful for, and during times when you feel down or negative, go back to that list and be reminded of the good things in your life. This will help you get rid of the negative self-talk. Your emotions begin to change, you become relaxed and get a clear mind. You are able to get grounded and focus on the positive things in life and the important things in life.

These steps are important to achieving emotional and mental wellness, but they don’t necessarily have to be in order, nor do you have to do all of them every time. What is essential is that you begin to really work on your feelings and your emotions and take care of your emotional wellness. When you are able to maintain your emotional wellness, things become much clearer and easier for you which leads you to take care of your mental wellness.

As a part of your emotional wellness, invest also in doing Prayer Challenges. I recommend you try Mark Patterson’s 40-day prayer challenge. Make it a part of your day to get in touch with your inner self through prayer and meditation.

To get your 40-day prayer challenge going, the logistics include:

1. Spend any time you want or need with God. It can be five minutes or 30 minutes. What is important is that you do 40 days of prayer. When you are in your prayer, try to figure out what is on your mind, what you want God to speak to you about, what it is you want clarity on, and where it is that you need healing.

2. Get an accountability partner who can go on the challenge with you. It can be a person or a group. Wherever you both are, commit to doing the challenge together.

3. Get in a circle of what you want to pray about. Make a decision of the things that you want to talk to God and ask for help with. List what it is that you want to pray about at a time, keep praying about it, and whatever you add to that list continue to circulate in prayer.

4. Begin a prayer journal, and as God speaks to you write down His instructions so you can go back and look at what He’s telling you, what prayers He’s answered, and what you’re speaking to Him about. Write down what you’re hearing God is speaking to you in your heart, in your spirit, and in your soul. When you pray through God will breakthrough.

5. Discover your prayer style. We all pray differently, and you’re going to discover that rhythm that works for you in prayer the more that you do. This will help you become familiar and at ease with talking to God and help you understand the process.

6. Set an intention and make an appointment with God. There are many times when we don’t set an intention or make an appointment, and then it doesn’t happen. Determine the time and the place that you are going to pray and add it to your calendar or set an alarm on when you intend to meet God. Choose the best time that works for you. Discuss this with your accountability partner so that you can set the best times for you both to do it together.

I also add the Powerful 30 into my 40-day prayer challenge to set me in the zone and make my prayer challenge even more powerful, getting me deeper into my connection with God. The Powerful 30 is 10 minutes meditation, 10 minutes devotional or inspirational reading, and 10 minutes motivational and uplifting music.

You can choose to include this or not. You can also choose to add your own version. But what is important is you get into the intention of the prayer challenge and commit yourself to doing and completing it. It has profoundly and positively affected my life in amazing ways.

We do not have to take drastic measures to take care of our emotional wellness. It can be managed with needlepoint moves. And as we learn to take care of our emotional wellness, we are able to address and take care as well of our mental wellness. Prayer and meditation are important in our emotional and mental wellness so commit to doing them a few minutes of your every day. When we set our intentions and make our decisions, we then begin to embody whatever it is we have set for ourselves.

Want to know more about whole life abundance and how prayer affects your outcome? 

Book a Take Action Call with me now or check out my book, Why? Stepping into Purpose. Get your feelings and mindset organized and be ready to get to your next level with me.


I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



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